The old one outline (released in July) is to be destroyed because the Governing Body concluded it is full of nonsenses.
For example:
Those with either hope can become members of God’s family
Those with a heavenly hope are called Christ’s “BROTHERS” (Heb 2:17)
Those with an earthly hope, his CHILDREN (Isa 9:6)
which means that Jehovah is grandpa of those of the other sheep,
Because the bread and the wine represent Christ’s body and blood in a special sense:
Bread represents Jesus’ body GIVEN IN BEHALF OF ANOINTED (w06 2/15 23, box; w85 2/15 12-13)
Wine represents Jesus’ blood AS IT APPLIES TO THOSE IN THE NEW COVENANT, the 144,000
so, Jesus didn't sacrifice his body and shed his blood for nonanointed Christians...
Unleavened bread represents Jesus’ sinless body, given in behalf of his anointed followers
It is simply omitted in new outline.